Getting to know: Jeremy Ennis, COO of xByte Cloud
Jeremy Ennis of xByte Cloud joins WRIS in the third edition of the 'Getting to Know' series.
More Blogs by WRIS Web Services
Vegas, a Summit, and yes, ColdFusion is alive and kicking.
In just a few short weeks some of us from WRIS Web Services will be attending the 2018 ColdFusion Summit in Las Vegas.
Being Secure
You've probably heard of SSL. It stands for "Secure Sockets Layer." By definition, SSL is "a secure protocol developed for sending information securely over the Internet." Think of it this way...without SSL in place on a website, it's like having a private conversation with someone in the middle of Progressive Field. During an Indians game. Meaning anyone could hear it. But with SSL, that conversation takes place in a locked room with just you and the person you are talking to...much more private.
Long Distance Relationships
As you may be aware, WRIS moved to a new office space a few months ago. We stayed in the same city...our main office is still based out of Solon, OH.
2016: The Good
2016 is almost over and let us just say...Wow. Wow for the good, wow for the bad, and wow for the ugly. And there was a lot of each everywhere you looked this year, that’s for sure.
Your Vote Counts
Everyone has certain websites they frequent on a regular basis. Whether it’s used for banking, shopping, current events or something in between, we tend to have our favorites, and usually for a reason. Maybe it’s the website for your favorite brick-and-mortar store. Or maybe it’s the website for the news network you watch daily. Whatever it is, chances are you know there are other options out there, but you stick with your faves.